strategic design with a focus on sustainability
Atelier Nunes e Pã develops communication strategies in order to create unique visual experiences that build and consolidate the identity of each client. We work with creative and technical partnerships centralizing project management in order to enhance capabilities and guarantee the success of the proposed solutions.
The focus on sustainability is part of this matrix, being an integral part of the work process from the beginning. With a national and international portfolio, also nationally and internationally recognised through awards and publications.
1. ”know your client”:
immersion in client culture;
It is a phase of research and data acquisition to support the elaboration of the strategy and the singularity of the speech
2. goals:
Analysis and definition of strategy;
The problem statement and expectations are aligned and worked on together with the client.
3. definition of project and proposal:
Conceptualisation of the project and design of proposals;
Definition and direction of the global project, the different areas of work involved and the expectations for both project and client.
4. execution:
Management of production and implementation of the project in the various media involved (printing, construction, digital and web);
Dynamic management of multidisciplinary teams inside and outside the studio.
5. support & consultancy:
Follow up e feedback;
Global management and monitoring allow for dynamic collaboration with the client to maximize the project's impact and overall value for both parties.

about us
- 20years of activity atelier nunes e pã
- +100national and international clients
- +500projects
20 years ago, in 2004, still in creative fervor following 'Porto European Capital of Culture', Atelier João Nunes and Pã Design officially signed a merger that has always felt latent in partnerships and creative encounters. 20 years counting down to May 7, 2024 in a journey that continues to add up. A story rich in experiences, people and creation; in perseverance, design and redesign. Each project is an invitation to look at the world and people, how to communicate and how they intersect with our work.
- 20years of activity atelier nunes e pã
- +100national and international clients
- +500projects
a global skilled and committed team
An experienced and coordinated team, with a strong visual culture and focused on solving problems and creating value. Proactivity, sense of humour and commitment.
The team currently consists of Lúcia Nunes (special projects), Ana Menezes, Susana Nunes, Paula Simões, Teresa Nascimento, Mariana Melo, Rita Allen and Joana Teles (intern). We count on the collaboration and consultancy of João Nunes.
A global thank you to everyone who passed through the studio and was part of our history, including:
- Alexis Vilaça
- Bárbara Azevedo
- Bárbara Vitoriano
- Benedita Vicetro
- Carla Oliveira
- Catarina Archer
- Catarina Fonseca
- Catarina Godinho
- Clara Alves
- Gil Monteverde
- Gustavo Carreira
- Inês Ferreira
- Iris Silva
- Janina Brandão
- Jorge Almeida
- Laura Pais
- Laura Rodrigues
- Lililana Jesus
- Margarida Pereira
- Maria
- Maria João Leite
- Marisa Santos
- Marta Crisóstomo
- Né Santelmo
- Nuno Teixeira
- Patricia Silva
- Paula Amaral
- Rebeca Viana
- Rita Mendes
- Rosinda Jorge
- Sara
- Vânia Oliveira
graphic design and communication
design management
creative direction
photographic direction
graphic design
brands and corporate identities
strategic analysis
corporate identity
brand architecture
communication and storytelling
brand experiences
corporate brochures
editorial e publicações
editorial vision and concept
specialised pagination
proficiency in multiple languages
books and magazines
reports and accounts
editorial collections
author editions
digital and multimedia experiences
web design
digital strategy
digital communication
web publications
corporate films
corporate presentations
brand spirit
spaces and brand environments
brand environments
business spaces
brand representations
stores and points of sale
display solutions
packaging and product
product packaging
brand expression products
production management
production management and direction
digital and web
product construction
space assembly
custom solutions

Banco Carregosa, Portugal
Eurico Ferreira, Portugal
Fase - Estudos e Projectos, Portugal
Fase Ásia, Portugal
GEG,Lda, Portugal
Prégaia , Portugal
PROEF Group – Portugal
Soares da Costa, Portugal, Angola e Moçambique
Tecnicon, Portugal
Tecnofront, Portugal
VHM - Coordenação e Gestão de Projetos, Portugal
António Ole, Fundação Madrid, Espanha
Casa da Música / Fuel Publicidade, Portugal
Embaixada de Angola em Madrid, Angola
Ensemble Sociedade de Actores, Portugal
Fundação de Serralves, Portugal
Fundação Guimarães Capital da Cultura, Portugal
Instituto Camões / Centro Cultural Português, Angola
Museu de Serralves, Portugal
Rivoli Teatro Municipal, Portugal
Teatro Nacional S. João, Portugal
Edições Novembro, Angola
Faculdade de Arquitectura - U. Porto, Portugal
Faculdade de Letras - U. Porto, Portugal
FAR - Forum des Associations de Renens, Suiça
Idéa-Link SARL, Suiça
Inetti, Portugal
Porto Editora, Portugal
Université de Lausanne, Suiça
1000 Paladares, Portugal
Alfazema Espirituosa, Portugal
Butterfly Spirit , Portugal
Casa dos Lagares, Portugal
Cerealis, Portugal
IMPERIAL, Portugal
Quinta do Noval, Portugal
RAR - Refinarias de Açucar Reunidas, Portugal
Sogrape Vinhos, Portugal
Soundwich, Portugal
Casa da Gávea, Portugal
Design Hotel BOG, Colômbia
Design Hotel Figueira, Portugal
Design Hotel Fontana, Portugal
Design Hotel Teatro, Portugal
Hintze Ribeiro, Portugal
Gardunha Sénior, Portugal
Quinta da Malaposta, Portugal
Quinta de Teamonde, Portugal
AM Group, Portugal
Cerâmica de Quintãs, Portugal
CIRES, Portugal
Colquímica S.A, Portugal
Inchemica - Indústria Química de Especialidades,S.A., Portugal
RNM Group, Portugal
ADXTUR_Agência para o DesenvolvimentoTurístico das ALDEIAS DO XISTO
AGEPOR - Ass. dos Agentes de Navegação de Portugal
AMTC - Assoc. para o Museu dos Transportes e Comunicações
ATPNP - Associação de Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal
CCDRN - Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte
Conselho Regional da Ordem dos Advogados
DGEMN - Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais
DGPC - Direcção Geral do Património Cultural
DRCN - Direcção Regional de Cultura do Norte Fundação Guimarães Capital da Cultura
Fábrica da Catedral do Porto
LNEG - Laboratório Nac. de Energia e Geologia
LPFP - Liga Portuguesa de Futebol Profissional
Metro do Porto
MMP - Museus e Monumentos de Portugal
Município do Porto
STCP – Sociedade de Transportes Coletivos do Porto
Turismo De Portugal
Alcino Silver Smith, Portugal
AORP - Associação de Ourivesaria e Relojoaria de Portugal
Machado Joalheiro, Portugal
Abacus Promotores Imobiliários, Portugal
Espírito Santo Property, Portugal
RAR Imobilária - Design Factory /The House Of Brands /Share, Portugal
RAR Imobilária - Monchique / The House Of Brands/Share, Portugal
RAR Imobilária - S. José de Ribamar / The House Of Brands/Share, Portugal
Vale Pisão /Fuel Publicidad, Portugal
Bwin.On Engineering, Lda
CDR – Casa dos Reclamos, Portugal
Cerqueira Gomes e Associados, Portugal
Cipro Group, Angola
Clinica Dr. Fernando Póvoas Portugal e Angola
Crunch Equation, Portugal
Design Center Nini Andrade Silva, Portugal
Dinis Coelho, Lda, Portugal
Garland Logística, Portugal
Garland S.A., Portugal
Greca - Artes Gráficas, Lda, Portugal
INFINEON Technologies, Portugal
ISS TECH Portugal, Lda, Portugal
Jorge Neto e Associados, Portugal
Modular Systems, Portugal
Moontravel Viagens e Turismo, Portugal
ONE Ocean Network Express, Portugal
PFC Value, Lda, Portugal
Quid Ideias - Estudos e Projectos, Portugal
Quimonda – Portugal
RAR Holding, Portugal
RAR Serviços de Assistência Clínica, Portugal
Safira Services, Portugal
Sogeo - Sociedade Geotérmica dos Açores, Portugal
Lasa, Portugal
O Segredo do Mar Texteis e Vestuario lda
ida design awards
- Gold Award, USA, 2022, Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2021
- Honourable Mention, USA, 2022 Rebranding Adxtur
- Gold Award, USA, 2021, Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2020
- Bronze Award, USA, 2021, Rebranding CDR
- Silver Award, USA, 2020, Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2019
- Bronze Award, USA, 2018, Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2017
- Honourable Mention, USA, 2017, Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2016
- Bronze Award, USA, 2016 Angola 40 anos - Expressões em prata
- Bronze Award, USA, 2015 Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2014
graphis competition
- Silver Award, USA, 2025, 30 anos VHM
- Silver Award, USA, 2025, Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2022
- Silver award, USA, 2024, Rebranding Aldeias do Xisto
- Silver award, USA, 2024, Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2021
- Gold award, USA, 2022, Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2019
- Silver award, USA, 2022, Rebranding CDR
- Honorable Mention, USA, 2018, Rebranding Colquimica Adhesives
- Gold award, USA, 2014-2016, Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2015
red dot design award
- Winner 2010, Germany Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2009
- Winner 2010, Germany Livro Energias Renováveis
- Winner 2009, Germany Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2007
bienal iberoamericana de diseño
- Honourable Mentions, Madrid, 2016 Agricultura Lusitana - Aldeias do Xisto
- 2011 Nominee , Germany Relatório e Contas RAR Holding 2007
european hotel design awards
- 2008 Nominee, UK Fontana Park Hotel